Troubleshooting Tips
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PC Troubleshooting Methods

Basic strategies to keep in mind when troubleshooting your PC.

(1) Safety First

Both you and your computer are delicate machines; take the proper precautions to avoid any electrical shocks before opening up your PC’s case. Turning off your computer isn’t enough; always unplug the power cord from the back of your computer’s case. And electrical shocks won’t just hurt you; they can also destroy your computer. Just walking across a carpet can generate enough static electricity to permanently damage your PC’s circuitry with a single touch.

(2) Don't be frustrated!

Don't be afraid of computer problems. It is often the best opportunity to learn.Stay calm! Solving computer problems needs to be done in an orderly, systematic way. Randomly clicking buttons and changing settings can end up doing more harm than good.

(3) Avoid Burning Bridges

Don’t make changes to your PC that can’t be undone. If you’re about to change a setting or install a new driver in Windows, make sure you’ve recorded the old settings or saved the old drivers. Likewise, when replacing an old file with a new one, don’t delete the old file. Just change its name slightly by adding a 1—or any number or letter—to the end of its name. (Just right-click the filename in Explorer and select Rename.) If you ever need the old file, it will be right there and easy to find.
And never forget the golden rule of troubleshooting: Back up everything, twice! Even after you’ve successfully fixed or upgraded your PC, it’s not unusual to find that important files have inexplicably disappeared.

(4) Check the Obvious

More often than not, a computer problem is caused by something really simple and obvious. It’s amazing how often a power cord is unplugged, a monitor cable is loose, or a CD is upside down in the drive. So before spending a lot of time and energy looking for a hidden glitch or changing complex settings, check the following list:


Basic troubleshooting Startegy

How to check devices are working properly

Some Monitor troubleshooting tips.

Steps to improve the performance of your PC

Restore deleted files or previously saved versions of your files on Windows Vista

